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Encyclopedia of global warming & climate change [electronic resource] / general editor, S. George Philander.

Contributor(s): Philander, S. George.
Material type: TextTextSeries: Gale eBooks: Publisher: Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE Publications, c2012Edition: 2nd ed.General Notes: Available through the Gale Virtual Reference Library which can be found on the Davenport University Library database page; Prev. ed. published under title: Encyclopedia of global warming and climate change.Bibliography: Includes bibliographical references and index.Description: 1 online resource (3 v. (xliii, 1641 p.)) : ill.ISBN: 9781412992626 (electronic bk.); 9781452218564 (electronic bk.).Other title: Encyclopedia of global warming and climate change.Subject(s): Global warming -- Encyclopedias | Climatic changes -- EncyclopediasGenre/Form: Electronic books DDC classification: 363.738/7403 Online resources: Access full-text materials at no charge:
Abrupt Climate Changes -- Adaptation -- Additionality -- Aerosols -- Afforestation -- Afghanistan -- Agriculture -- Agulhas Current -- Air Force, U.S. -- Alabama -- Alaska -- Alaska Climate Research Center -- Albania -- Albedo -- Algeria -- Alliance of Small Island States -- Alliance to Save Energy -- Alternative Energy, Overview -- American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy -- American Electric Power -- American Gas Association -- American Geophysical Union -- American Meteorological Society -- Andorra -- Angola -- Annex I/B Countries -- Antarctic Circumpolar Current -- Antarctic Ice Sheet -- Antarctic Meteorology Research Center -- Anthropocene -- Anthropogenic Forcing -- Anticyclones -- Antigua and Barbuda -- Arakawa, Akio -- Arctic and Arctic Ocean -- Argentina -- Arizona -- Arkansas -- Armenia -- Arrhenius, Svante August -- Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate -- Atlantic Ocean -- Atmosphere, Climate and Environment Information Programme -- Atmospheric Absorption of Solar Radiation -- Atmospheric Boundary Layer -- Atmospheric Component of Models -- Atmospheric Composition -- Atmospheric Emission of Infrared Radiation -- Atmospheric General Circulation Models -- Atmospheric Research and Information Centre -- Atmospheric Vertical Structure -- Aurora -- Australia -- Austria -- Automobiles -- Aviation -- Azerbaijan -- Bahamas -- Bahrain -- Bali Roadmap -- Bangladesh -- Barbados -- Belarus -- Belgium -- Belize -- Benguela Current -- Benin -- Berlin Mandate -- Bhutan -- Biogeochemical Feedbacks -- Blizzards -- Bolin, Bert -- Bolivia -- Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Botanical Gardens -- Botany -- Botswana -- BP -- BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill -- Brazil -- Brazil Proposal -- Broecker, Wallace -- Brunei Darussalam -- Bryan, Kirk -- Bryson, Reid -- Budyko, Mikhail -- Bulgaria -- Burkina Faso -- Burundi -- Bush Administration, George H. W. --
Bush Administration, George W. -- California -- California Institute of Technology -- Cambodia -- Cameroon -- Canada -- Canadian Association for Renewable Energies -- Cantor Fitzgerald EBS -- Cape Verde -- Capitalism -- Carbon, Black -- Carbon Capture and Storage -- Carbon Cycle -- Carbon Dioxide -- Carbon Dioxide Equivalent -- Carbon Footprint -- Carbon Markets -- Carbon Offsets -- Carbon Permits -- Carbon Sequestration -- Carbon Sinks -- Carbon Tax -- Carter Administration -- Cenozoic Era -- Center for Clean Air Policy -- Center for Climate and Energy Solutions -- Center for Energy Efficiency -- Center for International Climate and Environmental Research -- Center for International Environmental Law -- Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies -- Center for Science and Environment -- Central African Republic -- Certified Emissions Reduction -- Chad -- Chamber of Commerce, U.S. -- Chamberlin, Thomas C. -- Chaos Theory -- Charismatic Megafauna -- Charney, Jule Gregory -- Chemistry -- Chile -- China -- Chlorofluorocarbons -- Clean Air Act, U.S. -- Clean Development Mechanism -- Climap Project -- Climate -- Climate Action Network -- Climate Change, Effects of -- Climate Change Expert Group -- Climate Change Knowledge Network -- Climate Cycles -- Climate Debt -- Climate Feedback -- Climate Forcing -- Climate Impacts LINK Project -- Climate Justice -- Climate Justice Now! -- Climate Models -- Climate Policy, U.S. -- Climate Sensitivity and Feedbacks -- Climate Thresholds -- Climate Zones -- Climate-Gate -- Climatic Data, Atmospheric Observations -- Climatic Data, Cave Records -- Climate Data, Historical Records -- Climatic Data, Ice Observations -- Climatic Data, Instrumental Records -- Climatic Data, Lake Records -- Climatic Data, Nature of the Data -- Climatic Data, Oceanic Observations -- Climatic Data, Proxy Records -- Climatic Data, Reanalysis -- Climate Data, Sea Floor Records -- Climatic Data, Sediment Records -- Climatic Data, Tree Ring Records -- Climatic Research Unit -- Clinton Administration -- Cloud Feedback -- Clouds, Cirrus -- Clouds, Cumulus -- Clouds, Stratus --
Coal -- Colombia -- Colorado -- Colorado Climate Center -- Colorado State University -- Columbia University -- Common but Differentiated Responsibility -- Community-Based Adaptation -- Comoros -- Compliance -- Computer Models -- Condensation -- Conference of the Parties -- Congo -- Congo, Democratic Republic of -- Connecticut -- Conservation -- Conservation Biology -- Contraction and Convergence -- Convection -- Cooperative Institute for Arctic Research -- Copenhagen Summit/Conference -- Coriolis Force -- Cornell University -- Costa Rica -- Côte D'Ivoire -- Cretaceous Period -- Croatia -- Croll, James -- Cuba -- Culture -- Current -- Cyclones -- Cyprus -- Czech Republic -- Dangerous Anthropogenic Interference -- David Suzuki Foundation -- Declaration of the Hague -- Deforestation -- Delaware -- Denmark -- Department of Defense, U.S. -- Department of Energy, U.S. -- Department of State, U.S. -- Department of the Interior, U.S. -- Desert Research Institute -- Desertification -- Deserts -- Detection of Climate Changes -- Developing Countries -- Diseases -- Djibouti -- Doldrums -- Dominica -- Dominican Republic -- Doris Duke Charitable Foundation -- Drift Ice -- Drought -- Dynamical Feedbacks -- Earth's Climate History -- Earthshine -- East Timor -- Ecological Footprint -- Ecological Society of America -- Economics, Cost of Affecting Climate Change -- Economics, Impact from Climate Change -- Ecosystems -- Ecuador -- Edison Electric Institute -- Education -- Egypt -- Ekman Layer -- El Niño and La Niña -- El Salvador -- Emissions, Baseline -- Emissions, Cement Industry -- Emissions, Trading -- Energy, Climate -- Energy Balance Models -- Energy Efficiency -- Environmental Defense Fund -- Environmental Development Action in the Third World -- Environmental Financial Products, LLC -- Environmental History -- Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. -- Equatorial Countercurrent -- Equatorial Guinea -- Equatorial Undercurrent -- Eritrea -- Estonia -- Ethics -- Ethiopia -- European Commission -- European Union -- European Union Emissions Trading Scheme -- Evaporation and Transpiration -- Evaporation Feedbacks -- Evolution of the Atmosphere.
Fiji -- Finland -- Flexibility Mechanisms -- Floods -- Florida -- Florida International University -- Florida State University -- Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei -- Food Miles -- Food Production -- Foraminifera -- Forced Climate Variability -- Forests -- Fossil Fuels -- Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development -- Fourier, Joseph -- Fourth Assessment Report -- France -- Friends of the Earth -- G8/G20 -- G77 -- Gabon -- Gaia Hypothesis -- Gambia -- Gender and Climate Change -- Geoengineering -- Geography -- Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory -- Georgia (Country) -- Georgia (U.S. State) -- Geospatial Technology -- Germany -- Ghana -- Glaciers, Retreating -- Glaciology -- Global Atmospheric Research Program -- Global Environment Facility -- Global Industrial and Social Progress Research Institute -- Global Ocean Observing System -- Global Warming -- Global Warming, Attribution of -- Global Warming, Impacts of -- Global Warming Debate -- Goddard Institute for Space Studies -- Gore, Albert, Jr. -- Greece -- Green Buildings -- Green Cities -- Green Design -- Green Economy -- Green Homes -- Greenhouse Effect -- Greenhouse Gas Emissions -- Greenhouse Gas Regulation -- Greenland Ice Cores -- Greenland Ice Sheet -- Greenpeace International -- Grenada -- Gross National Product -- Gross Primary Production -- Guatemala -- Guinea -- Guinea-Bissau -- Gulf Stream -- Guyana -- Hadley, George -- Hadley Circulation -- Haiti -- Hansen, James -- Hawai`i -- Health -- Heat, Latent -- Heat, Sensible -- Heinz Center -- Historical Development of Climate Models -- History of Climatology -- History of Meteorology -- Holocene Period -- Honduras -- Hot Air -- Human Rights and Climate Change -- Hungary -- Hurricanes and Typhoons -- Hydroflourocarbons -- Hydrological Cycle -- Ice Ages -- Ice Albedo Feedback -- Ice Component of Models -- Iceland -- Idaho -- Illinois --
An Inconvenient Truth -- India -- Indian Ocean -- Indiana -- Indiana University -- Indigenous Communities -- Indonesia -- Industrialization -- Integrated Assessment -- Integrated Science Program -- Intensity Targets -- InterAcademy Council Report on IPCC -- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -- Internal Climate Variability -- International Council of Scientific Unions -- International Energy Agency -- International Geophysical Year -- International Geosphere-Biosphere Program -- International Institute for Sustainable Development -- International Renewable Energy Agency -- International Research Institute for Climate and Society -- International Solar Energy Society -- International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics -- Intertropical Convergence Zone -- Inuit -- Iowa -- Iran -- Iraq -- Ireland -- Israel -- Italy -- Jamaica -- Japan -- Jet Streams -- Joint Implementation -- Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean -- Jordan -- Jurassic Period -- Kansas -- Kazakhstan -- Keeling, Charles David -- Kentucky -- Kenya -- Kiribati -- Korea, North -- Korea, South -- Kuroshio Current -- Kuwait -- Kyoto Protocol -- Kyrgyzstan -- Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Climate Modeling and Diagnostics Group -- Land Component of Models -- Land Use -- Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry -- Laos -- Latvia -- Lebanon -- Lesotho -- Liberia -- Liechtenstein -- Life Cycle Analysis -- Lindzen, Richard -- Lithuania -- Little Ice Age -- Livelihoods -- Lorenz, Edward -- Louisiana -- Louisiana State University -- Luxembourg -- Macedonia -- Madagascar -- Maine -- Malawi -- Malaysia -- Maldives -- Mali -- Malta -- Manabe, Syukuro -- Marine Mammals -- Marrakesh Accords -- Marshall Institute -- Marshall Islands -- Maryland -- Massachusetts -- Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- Mauritania -- Mauritius --
Maximum Sustainable Yield -- Measurement and Assessment -- Media, Books, and Journals -- Media, Internet -- Media, TV -- Meridional Overturning Circulation -- Mesosphere -- Mesozoic Era -- Methane Cycle -- Mexico -- Michigan -- Micronesia -- Midwestern Regional Climate Center -- Milankovitch, Milutin -- Milankovitch Cycles -- Minnesota -- Mississippi -- Mississippi State University -- Missouri -- Mitigation -- Mixed Layer -- Modeling of Ice Ages -- Modeling of Ocean Circulation -- Modeling of Paleoclimates -- Moldova -- Monaco -- Mongolia -- Monsoons -- Montana -- Montreal Protocol -- Morocco -- Movements, Environmental -- Mozambique -- Munk, Walter -- Myanmar -- Namibia -- National Academy of Sciences -- National Aeronautics and Space Administration -- National Association of Energy Service Companies -- National Center for Atmospheric Research -- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration -- National Science Foundation -- Natural Gas -- Natural Resources Defense Council -- Nauru -- Navy, U.S. -- Nebraska -- Needs and Wants -- Nepal -- Net Primary Production -- Netherlands -- Nevada -- New Hampshire -- New Jersey -- New Mexico -- New York -- New Zealand -- Nicaragua -- Niger -- Nigeria -- Nitrous Oxide -- No Regrets Options -- Nongovernmental Organizations -- North Atlantic Oscillation -- North Carolina -- North Dakota -- Norway -- Nuclear Power -- Obama Administration -- Ocean Component of Models -- Oceanic Changes -- Oceanography -- Offshoring Emissions -- Ohio -- Ohio State University -- Oil, Consumption of -- Oil, Production of -- Oklahoma -- Oman -- Orbital Parameters, Eccentricity -- Orbital Parameters, Obliquity -- Orbital Parameters, Precession -- Oregon -- Oregon Climate Service -- Oregon State University -- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development -- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Documents -- Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries -- Oxygen Cycle.
Pacific Ocean -- Pakistan -- Palau -- Paleoclimates -- Paleozoic Era -- Panama -- Papua New Guinea -- Paraguay -- Penguins -- Pennsylvania -- Perfluorocarbons -- Peru -- Peruvian Current -- Philippines -- Phillips, Norman -- Phytoplankton -- Plants -- Pleistocene Epoch -- Pliocene Epoch -- Poland -- Polar Bears -- Policy, International -- Pollution, Air -- Pollution, Land -- Pollution, Water -- Population -- Portugal -- Poverty and Climate Change -- Precambrian Eon -- Precautionary Principle -- Precipitation -- Preparedness -- Princeton University -- Public Awareness -- Qatar -- Quaternary Period -- Radiation, Absorption -- Radiation, Infrared -- Radiation, Long Wave -- Radiation, Microwave -- Radiation, Short Wave -- Radiation, Ultraviolet -- Radiative Feedbacks -- Rain -- Rainfall Patterns -- Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (UN-REDD) -- Refugees, Environmental and Climate -- Religion -- Renewable Energy, Bioenergy -- Renewable Energy, Biomass -- Renewable Energy, Geothermal -- Renewable Energy, Overview -- Renewable Energy, Solar -- Renewable Energy, Wind -- Renewable Energy Policy Project -- Resources -- Resources for the Future -- Revelle, Roger -- Rhode Island -- Richardson, Lewis Fry -- Rio+20 -- Risk -- Romania -- Rossby, Carl-Gustav -- Royal Dutch/Shell Group -- Royal Meteorological Society -- Russia -- Rwanda -- Saint Kitts and Nevis -- Saint Lucia -- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Salinity -- Samoa -- San Marino -- São Tomé and Príncipe -- Saudi Arabia -- Schneider, Stephen H. -- Scripps Institution of Oceanography -- Sea Ice -- Sea Level, Rising -- Seasonal Cycle -- Seawater, Composition of -- Senegal -- Serbia -- Seychelles -- Sierra Leone -- Simulation and Predictability of Seasonal and Interannual Variations -- Singapore -- Singer, S. Fred -- Slovakia -- Slovenia -- Smagorinsky, Joseph -- Small Farmers -- Snowball Earth -- Social Ecology -- Soil Organic Carbon -- Soils -- Solar Energy Industries Association -- Solar Wind -- Solomon Islands -- Somali Current -- Somalia -- South Africa -- South Carolina -- South Dakota -- Southern Ocean -- Southern Oscillation Index -- Spain -- Species Extinction -- Sri Lanka -- Stanford University -- Stern Review -- Stockholm Environment Institute -- Stommel, Henry -- Stratopause -- Stratosphere -- Sudan -- Sulfur Dioxide -- Sulfur Hexafluoride -- Sunlight -- Sunspots --
Suriname -- Sustainability -- Sverdrup, Harald Ulrik -- Swaziland -- Sweden -- Switzerland -- Syria -- Tajikistan -- Tanzania -- Tata Energy Research Institute -- Technology -- Technology Transfer -- Tennessee -- Tertiary Period -- Texas -- Thailand -- Thermocline -- Thermodynamics -- Thermohaline Circulation -- Thermosphere -- Thunderstorms -- Togo -- Tonga -- Toronto Conference -- Tourism -- Trade Winds -- Transportation -- Triassic Period -- Trinidad and Tobago -- Tropopause -- Troposphere -- Tsunamis -- Tunisia -- Turkey -- Turkmenistan -- Tuvalu -- Tyndall, John -- Uganda -- Ukraine -- United Arab Emirates -- United Kingdom -- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development -- United Nations Development Programme -- United Nations Environment Programme -- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change -- United States -- United States Global Change Research Program -- University Corporation for Atmospheric Research -- University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Joint Office for Science Support -- University of Alaska -- University of California, Berkeley -- University of Colorado -- University of East Anglia -- University of Hawai'i -- University of Maryland -- University of New Hampshire -- University of Oklahoma -- University of Washington -- Upwelling, Coastal -- Upwelling, Equatorial -- Uruguay -- Utah -- Utah Climate Center -- Uzbekistan -- Validation of Climate Models -- Vanuatu -- Venezuela -- Vermont -- Vienna Convention -- Vietnam -- Villach Conference -- Virginia -- Volcanism -- Von Neumann, John -- Vostok Ice Core -- Vulnerability -- Walker, Gilbert Thomas -- Walker Circulation -- Washington -- Washington, Warren -- Waves, Gravity -- Waves, Internal -- Waves, Kelvin -- Waves, Planetary -- Waves, Rossby -- Weather -- Weather World 2010 Project -- West Virginia -- Western Boundary Currents -- Western Regional Climate Center -- Wind-Driven Circulation -- Winds, Easterlies -- Winds, Westerlies -- Wisconsin -- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution -- World Bank -- World Business Council for Sustainable Development -- World Climate Research Programme -- World Health Organization -- World Meteorological Organization -- World Resources Institute -- World Systems Theory -- World Trade Organization -- World Weather Watch -- World Wildlife Fund -- Worldwatch Institute -- Wyoming -- Yemen -- Younger Dryas -- Zambia -- Zimbabwe -- Zooplankton.
Summary: Explores major topics related to global warming and climate change-ranging geographically from the North Pole to the South Pole, and thematically from social effects to scientific causes. Covers the science and history of climate change, the controversies over climate-change theories, the role of societies, the industrial and economic factors, and the sociological aspects of climate change.
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Available through the Gale Virtual Reference Library which can be found on the Davenport University Library database page.

Prev. ed. published under title: Encyclopedia of global warming and climate change.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

v. 1. Abrupt Climate Changes -- Adaptation -- Additionality -- Aerosols -- Afforestation -- Afghanistan -- Agriculture -- Agulhas Current -- Air Force, U.S. -- Alabama -- Alaska -- Alaska Climate Research Center -- Albania -- Albedo -- Algeria -- Alliance of Small Island States -- Alliance to Save Energy -- Alternative Energy, Overview -- American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy -- American Electric Power -- American Gas Association -- American Geophysical Union -- American Meteorological Society -- Andorra -- Angola -- Annex I/B Countries -- Antarctic Circumpolar Current -- Antarctic Ice Sheet -- Antarctic Meteorology Research Center -- Anthropocene -- Anthropogenic Forcing -- Anticyclones -- Antigua and Barbuda -- Arakawa, Akio -- Arctic and Arctic Ocean -- Argentina -- Arizona -- Arkansas -- Armenia -- Arrhenius, Svante August -- Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate -- Atlantic Ocean -- Atmosphere, Climate and Environment Information Programme -- Atmospheric Absorption of Solar Radiation -- Atmospheric Boundary Layer -- Atmospheric Component of Models -- Atmospheric Composition -- Atmospheric Emission of Infrared Radiation -- Atmospheric General Circulation Models -- Atmospheric Research and Information Centre -- Atmospheric Vertical Structure -- Aurora -- Australia -- Austria -- Automobiles -- Aviation -- Azerbaijan -- Bahamas -- Bahrain -- Bali Roadmap -- Bangladesh -- Barbados -- Belarus -- Belgium -- Belize -- Benguela Current -- Benin -- Berlin Mandate -- Bhutan -- Biogeochemical Feedbacks -- Blizzards -- Bolin, Bert -- Bolivia -- Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Botanical Gardens -- Botany -- Botswana -- BP -- BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill -- Brazil -- Brazil Proposal -- Broecker, Wallace -- Brunei Darussalam -- Bryan, Kirk -- Bryson, Reid -- Budyko, Mikhail -- Bulgaria -- Burkina Faso -- Burundi -- Bush Administration, George H. W. --

Bush Administration, George W. -- California -- California Institute of Technology -- Cambodia -- Cameroon -- Canada -- Canadian Association for Renewable Energies -- Cantor Fitzgerald EBS -- Cape Verde -- Capitalism -- Carbon, Black -- Carbon Capture and Storage -- Carbon Cycle -- Carbon Dioxide -- Carbon Dioxide Equivalent -- Carbon Footprint -- Carbon Markets -- Carbon Offsets -- Carbon Permits -- Carbon Sequestration -- Carbon Sinks -- Carbon Tax -- Carter Administration -- Cenozoic Era -- Center for Clean Air Policy -- Center for Climate and Energy Solutions -- Center for Energy Efficiency -- Center for International Climate and Environmental Research -- Center for International Environmental Law -- Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies -- Center for Science and Environment -- Central African Republic -- Certified Emissions Reduction -- Chad -- Chamber of Commerce, U.S. -- Chamberlin, Thomas C. -- Chaos Theory -- Charismatic Megafauna -- Charney, Jule Gregory -- Chemistry -- Chile -- China -- Chlorofluorocarbons -- Clean Air Act, U.S. -- Clean Development Mechanism -- Climap Project -- Climate -- Climate Action Network -- Climate Change, Effects of -- Climate Change Expert Group -- Climate Change Knowledge Network -- Climate Cycles -- Climate Debt -- Climate Feedback -- Climate Forcing -- Climate Impacts LINK Project -- Climate Justice -- Climate Justice Now! -- Climate Models -- Climate Policy, U.S. -- Climate Sensitivity and Feedbacks -- Climate Thresholds -- Climate Zones -- Climate-Gate -- Climatic Data, Atmospheric Observations -- Climatic Data, Cave Records -- Climate Data, Historical Records -- Climatic Data, Ice Observations -- Climatic Data, Instrumental Records -- Climatic Data, Lake Records -- Climatic Data, Nature of the Data -- Climatic Data, Oceanic Observations -- Climatic Data, Proxy Records -- Climatic Data, Reanalysis -- Climate Data, Sea Floor Records -- Climatic Data, Sediment Records -- Climatic Data, Tree Ring Records -- Climatic Research Unit -- Clinton Administration -- Cloud Feedback -- Clouds, Cirrus -- Clouds, Cumulus -- Clouds, Stratus --

Coal -- Colombia -- Colorado -- Colorado Climate Center -- Colorado State University -- Columbia University -- Common but Differentiated Responsibility -- Community-Based Adaptation -- Comoros -- Compliance -- Computer Models -- Condensation -- Conference of the Parties -- Congo -- Congo, Democratic Republic of -- Connecticut -- Conservation -- Conservation Biology -- Contraction and Convergence -- Convection -- Cooperative Institute for Arctic Research -- Copenhagen Summit/Conference -- Coriolis Force -- Cornell University -- Costa Rica -- Côte D'Ivoire -- Cretaceous Period -- Croatia -- Croll, James -- Cuba -- Culture -- Current -- Cyclones -- Cyprus -- Czech Republic -- Dangerous Anthropogenic Interference -- David Suzuki Foundation -- Declaration of the Hague -- Deforestation -- Delaware -- Denmark -- Department of Defense, U.S. -- Department of Energy, U.S. -- Department of State, U.S. -- Department of the Interior, U.S. -- Desert Research Institute -- Desertification -- Deserts -- Detection of Climate Changes -- Developing Countries -- Diseases -- Djibouti -- Doldrums -- Dominica -- Dominican Republic -- Doris Duke Charitable Foundation -- Drift Ice -- Drought -- Dynamical Feedbacks -- Earth's Climate History -- Earthshine -- East Timor -- Ecological Footprint -- Ecological Society of America -- Economics, Cost of Affecting Climate Change -- Economics, Impact from Climate Change -- Ecosystems -- Ecuador -- Edison Electric Institute -- Education -- Egypt -- Ekman Layer -- El Niño and La Niña -- El Salvador -- Emissions, Baseline -- Emissions, Cement Industry -- Emissions, Trading -- Energy, Climate -- Energy Balance Models -- Energy Efficiency -- Environmental Defense Fund -- Environmental Development Action in the Third World -- Environmental Financial Products, LLC -- Environmental History -- Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. -- Equatorial Countercurrent -- Equatorial Guinea -- Equatorial Undercurrent -- Eritrea -- Estonia -- Ethics -- Ethiopia -- European Commission -- European Union -- European Union Emissions Trading Scheme -- Evaporation and Transpiration -- Evaporation Feedbacks -- Evolution of the Atmosphere.

v. 2. Fiji -- Finland -- Flexibility Mechanisms -- Floods -- Florida -- Florida International University -- Florida State University -- Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei -- Food Miles -- Food Production -- Foraminifera -- Forced Climate Variability -- Forests -- Fossil Fuels -- Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development -- Fourier, Joseph -- Fourth Assessment Report -- France -- Friends of the Earth -- G8/G20 -- G77 -- Gabon -- Gaia Hypothesis -- Gambia -- Gender and Climate Change -- Geoengineering -- Geography -- Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory -- Georgia (Country) -- Georgia (U.S. State) -- Geospatial Technology -- Germany -- Ghana -- Glaciers, Retreating -- Glaciology -- Global Atmospheric Research Program -- Global Environment Facility -- Global Industrial and Social Progress Research Institute -- Global Ocean Observing System -- Global Warming -- Global Warming, Attribution of -- Global Warming, Impacts of -- Global Warming Debate -- Goddard Institute for Space Studies -- Gore, Albert, Jr. -- Greece -- Green Buildings -- Green Cities -- Green Design -- Green Economy -- Green Homes -- Greenhouse Effect -- Greenhouse Gas Emissions -- Greenhouse Gas Regulation -- Greenland Ice Cores -- Greenland Ice Sheet -- Greenpeace International -- Grenada -- Gross National Product -- Gross Primary Production -- Guatemala -- Guinea -- Guinea-Bissau -- Gulf Stream -- Guyana -- Hadley, George -- Hadley Circulation -- Haiti -- Hansen, James -- Hawai`i -- Health -- Heat, Latent -- Heat, Sensible -- Heinz Center -- Historical Development of Climate Models -- History of Climatology -- History of Meteorology -- Holocene Period -- Honduras -- Hot Air -- Human Rights and Climate Change -- Hungary -- Hurricanes and Typhoons -- Hydroflourocarbons -- Hydrological Cycle -- Ice Ages -- Ice Albedo Feedback -- Ice Component of Models -- Iceland -- Idaho -- Illinois --

An Inconvenient Truth -- India -- Indian Ocean -- Indiana -- Indiana University -- Indigenous Communities -- Indonesia -- Industrialization -- Integrated Assessment -- Integrated Science Program -- Intensity Targets -- InterAcademy Council Report on IPCC -- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -- Internal Climate Variability -- International Council of Scientific Unions -- International Energy Agency -- International Geophysical Year -- International Geosphere-Biosphere Program -- International Institute for Sustainable Development -- International Renewable Energy Agency -- International Research Institute for Climate and Society -- International Solar Energy Society -- International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics -- Intertropical Convergence Zone -- Inuit -- Iowa -- Iran -- Iraq -- Ireland -- Israel -- Italy -- Jamaica -- Japan -- Jet Streams -- Joint Implementation -- Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean -- Jordan -- Jurassic Period -- Kansas -- Kazakhstan -- Keeling, Charles David -- Kentucky -- Kenya -- Kiribati -- Korea, North -- Korea, South -- Kuroshio Current -- Kuwait -- Kyoto Protocol -- Kyrgyzstan -- Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Climate Modeling and Diagnostics Group -- Land Component of Models -- Land Use -- Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry -- Laos -- Latvia -- Lebanon -- Lesotho -- Liberia -- Liechtenstein -- Life Cycle Analysis -- Lindzen, Richard -- Lithuania -- Little Ice Age -- Livelihoods -- Lorenz, Edward -- Louisiana -- Louisiana State University -- Luxembourg -- Macedonia -- Madagascar -- Maine -- Malawi -- Malaysia -- Maldives -- Mali -- Malta -- Manabe, Syukuro -- Marine Mammals -- Marrakesh Accords -- Marshall Institute -- Marshall Islands -- Maryland -- Massachusetts -- Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- Mauritania -- Mauritius --

Maximum Sustainable Yield -- Measurement and Assessment -- Media, Books, and Journals -- Media, Internet -- Media, TV -- Meridional Overturning Circulation -- Mesosphere -- Mesozoic Era -- Methane Cycle -- Mexico -- Michigan -- Micronesia -- Midwestern Regional Climate Center -- Milankovitch, Milutin -- Milankovitch Cycles -- Minnesota -- Mississippi -- Mississippi State University -- Missouri -- Mitigation -- Mixed Layer -- Modeling of Ice Ages -- Modeling of Ocean Circulation -- Modeling of Paleoclimates -- Moldova -- Monaco -- Mongolia -- Monsoons -- Montana -- Montreal Protocol -- Morocco -- Movements, Environmental -- Mozambique -- Munk, Walter -- Myanmar -- Namibia -- National Academy of Sciences -- National Aeronautics and Space Administration -- National Association of Energy Service Companies -- National Center for Atmospheric Research -- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration -- National Science Foundation -- Natural Gas -- Natural Resources Defense Council -- Nauru -- Navy, U.S. -- Nebraska -- Needs and Wants -- Nepal -- Net Primary Production -- Netherlands -- Nevada -- New Hampshire -- New Jersey -- New Mexico -- New York -- New Zealand -- Nicaragua -- Niger -- Nigeria -- Nitrous Oxide -- No Regrets Options -- Nongovernmental Organizations -- North Atlantic Oscillation -- North Carolina -- North Dakota -- Norway -- Nuclear Power -- Obama Administration -- Ocean Component of Models -- Oceanic Changes -- Oceanography -- Offshoring Emissions -- Ohio -- Ohio State University -- Oil, Consumption of -- Oil, Production of -- Oklahoma -- Oman -- Orbital Parameters, Eccentricity -- Orbital Parameters, Obliquity -- Orbital Parameters, Precession -- Oregon -- Oregon Climate Service -- Oregon State University -- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development -- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Documents -- Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries -- Oxygen Cycle.

v. 3. Pacific Ocean -- Pakistan -- Palau -- Paleoclimates -- Paleozoic Era -- Panama -- Papua New Guinea -- Paraguay -- Penguins -- Pennsylvania -- Perfluorocarbons -- Peru -- Peruvian Current -- Philippines -- Phillips, Norman -- Phytoplankton -- Plants -- Pleistocene Epoch -- Pliocene Epoch -- Poland -- Polar Bears -- Policy, International -- Pollution, Air -- Pollution, Land -- Pollution, Water -- Population -- Portugal -- Poverty and Climate Change -- Precambrian Eon -- Precautionary Principle -- Precipitation -- Preparedness -- Princeton University -- Public Awareness -- Qatar -- Quaternary Period -- Radiation, Absorption -- Radiation, Infrared -- Radiation, Long Wave -- Radiation, Microwave -- Radiation, Short Wave -- Radiation, Ultraviolet -- Radiative Feedbacks -- Rain -- Rainfall Patterns -- Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (UN-REDD) -- Refugees, Environmental and Climate -- Religion -- Renewable Energy, Bioenergy -- Renewable Energy, Biomass -- Renewable Energy, Geothermal -- Renewable Energy, Overview -- Renewable Energy, Solar -- Renewable Energy, Wind -- Renewable Energy Policy Project -- Resources -- Resources for the Future -- Revelle, Roger -- Rhode Island -- Richardson, Lewis Fry -- Rio+20 -- Risk -- Romania -- Rossby, Carl-Gustav -- Royal Dutch/Shell Group -- Royal Meteorological Society -- Russia -- Rwanda -- Saint Kitts and Nevis -- Saint Lucia -- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -- Salinity -- Samoa -- San Marino -- São Tomé and Príncipe -- Saudi Arabia -- Schneider, Stephen H. -- Scripps Institution of Oceanography -- Sea Ice -- Sea Level, Rising -- Seasonal Cycle -- Seawater, Composition of -- Senegal -- Serbia -- Seychelles -- Sierra Leone -- Simulation and Predictability of Seasonal and Interannual Variations -- Singapore -- Singer, S. Fred -- Slovakia -- Slovenia -- Smagorinsky, Joseph -- Small Farmers -- Snowball Earth -- Social Ecology -- Soil Organic Carbon -- Soils -- Solar Energy Industries Association -- Solar Wind -- Solomon Islands -- Somali Current -- Somalia -- South Africa -- South Carolina -- South Dakota -- Southern Ocean -- Southern Oscillation Index -- Spain -- Species Extinction -- Sri Lanka -- Stanford University -- Stern Review -- Stockholm Environment Institute -- Stommel, Henry -- Stratopause -- Stratosphere -- Sudan -- Sulfur Dioxide -- Sulfur Hexafluoride -- Sunlight -- Sunspots --

Suriname -- Sustainability -- Sverdrup, Harald Ulrik -- Swaziland -- Sweden -- Switzerland -- Syria -- Tajikistan -- Tanzania -- Tata Energy Research Institute -- Technology -- Technology Transfer -- Tennessee -- Tertiary Period -- Texas -- Thailand -- Thermocline -- Thermodynamics -- Thermohaline Circulation -- Thermosphere -- Thunderstorms -- Togo -- Tonga -- Toronto Conference -- Tourism -- Trade Winds -- Transportation -- Triassic Period -- Trinidad and Tobago -- Tropopause -- Troposphere -- Tsunamis -- Tunisia -- Turkey -- Turkmenistan -- Tuvalu -- Tyndall, John -- Uganda -- Ukraine -- United Arab Emirates -- United Kingdom -- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development -- United Nations Development Programme -- United Nations Environment Programme -- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change -- United States -- United States Global Change Research Program -- University Corporation for Atmospheric Research -- University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Joint Office for Science Support -- University of Alaska -- University of California, Berkeley -- University of Colorado -- University of East Anglia -- University of Hawai'i -- University of Maryland -- University of New Hampshire -- University of Oklahoma -- University of Washington -- Upwelling, Coastal -- Upwelling, Equatorial -- Uruguay -- Utah -- Utah Climate Center -- Uzbekistan -- Validation of Climate Models -- Vanuatu -- Venezuela -- Vermont -- Vienna Convention -- Vietnam -- Villach Conference -- Virginia -- Volcanism -- Von Neumann, John -- Vostok Ice Core -- Vulnerability -- Walker, Gilbert Thomas -- Walker Circulation -- Washington -- Washington, Warren -- Waves, Gravity -- Waves, Internal -- Waves, Kelvin -- Waves, Planetary -- Waves, Rossby -- Weather -- Weather World 2010 Project -- West Virginia -- Western Boundary Currents -- Western Regional Climate Center -- Wind-Driven Circulation -- Winds, Easterlies -- Winds, Westerlies -- Wisconsin -- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution -- World Bank -- World Business Council for Sustainable Development -- World Climate Research Programme -- World Health Organization -- World Meteorological Organization -- World Resources Institute -- World Systems Theory -- World Trade Organization -- World Weather Watch -- World Wildlife Fund -- Worldwatch Institute -- Wyoming -- Yemen -- Younger Dryas -- Zambia -- Zimbabwe -- Zooplankton.

Explores major topics related to global warming and climate change-ranging geographically from the North Pole to the South Pole, and thematically from social effects to scientific causes. Covers the science and history of climate change, the controversies over climate-change theories, the role of societies, the industrial and economic factors, and the sociological aspects of climate change.

Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Description based on print version record.

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