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Global education : using technology to bring the world to your students / Laurence Peters.

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By: Peters, Laurence, 1952-.
Contributor(s): International Society for Technology in Education.
Material type: TextTextPublisher: Eugene, Or. : International Society for Technology in Education, c2009Edition: 1st ed.Bibliography: Includes bibliographical references (p. 149-156) and index.Description: x, 166 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.ISBN: 9781564842589 (pbk.); 1564842584 (pbk.).Subject(s): International education -- Computer networks | Internet in educationDDC classification: 370.116078/54678
Introduction : Why I wrote this book ; Global education and 9/11 ; Shifting definitions of global education ; How to use this book -- 1. Global education and the Web 2.0 revolution : The Web 2.0 revolution and learning theory ; Historical interlude: The origins of global education ; Getting started is easier than you think ; Global learning and curriculum objectives ; Historical interlude: Erasmus and Comenius ; Security concerns -- 2. Pathways to global education : Pathway: Empathy for others ; Pathway: Finding new ways to enrich and engage ; Case study: Marsha Goren's journey as a Globaldreamer ; Case study: Early experiences on the path to becoming a global educator ; Pathway: Desire for social justice ; Historical interlude: Opposing viewpoints, John Dewey and Ellwood P. Cubberley ; Support and mentoring ; Case study: The power of mentoring and collaboration ; Collaboration and lesson planning ; Historical interlude: Mid- to late twentieth century ; Accountability pressures -- 3. The Flat Classroom Project : What is the Flat Classroom Project? ; Blogging's role ; Podcasts and vodcasts ; Skype and similar tools ; Classroom Ning ; Aligning project purpose, learning objective, content, and the NETS with product outcome ; Preparing students to launch a global classroom ; The Flat Classroom Project inspires others -- 4. iEARN : Historical interlude: Célestin Freinet ; The founding of iEARN ; iEARN expands ; iEARN project: De Orilla a Orilla ; iEARN project: feeding minds fighting hunger ; Evaluating iEARN -- 5. Global Schoolhouse and other global education networks : Global Schoolhouse ; ePals ; Case study: Interview with accomplished global educator Kim Cofino ; Many other opportunities await! -- 6. Connecting global themes to your curriculum : Robert Hanvey's foundational essay ; Preparation is essential ; Sample module design -- 7. Quick ways to get started : An ePals activity for elementary students ; A virtual tour guide activity for middle school students ; Engaging middle and high school students with current events ; Connecting middle and high school students with their passions -- 8. Final thoughts -- 9. Sample lesson plans : Cinderella around the world ; Do food choices affect global warming? ; Cross-cultural pen pals -- Appendix A: Glossary ; Appendix B: Web resources ; Appendix C: National Educational Technology Standards ; Appendix D: References.
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 149-156) and index.

Introduction : Why I wrote this book ; Global education and 9/11 ; Shifting definitions of global education ; How to use this book -- 1. Global education and the Web 2.0 revolution : The Web 2.0 revolution and learning theory ; Historical interlude: The origins of global education ; Getting started is easier than you think ; Global learning and curriculum objectives ; Historical interlude: Erasmus and Comenius ; Security concerns -- 2. Pathways to global education : Pathway: Empathy for others ; Pathway: Finding new ways to enrich and engage ; Case study: Marsha Goren's journey as a Globaldreamer ; Case study: Early experiences on the path to becoming a global educator ; Pathway: Desire for social justice ; Historical interlude: Opposing viewpoints, John Dewey and Ellwood P. Cubberley ; Support and mentoring ; Case study: The power of mentoring and collaboration ; Collaboration and lesson planning ; Historical interlude: Mid- to late twentieth century ; Accountability pressures -- 3. The Flat Classroom Project : What is the Flat Classroom Project? ; Blogging's role ; Podcasts and vodcasts ; Skype and similar tools ; Classroom Ning ; Aligning project purpose, learning objective, content, and the NETS with product outcome ; Preparing students to launch a global classroom ; The Flat Classroom Project inspires others -- 4. iEARN : Historical interlude: Célestin Freinet ; The founding of iEARN ; iEARN expands ; iEARN project: De Orilla a Orilla ; iEARN project: feeding minds fighting hunger ; Evaluating iEARN -- 5. Global Schoolhouse and other global education networks : Global Schoolhouse ; ePals ; Case study: Interview with accomplished global educator Kim Cofino ; Many other opportunities await! -- 6. Connecting global themes to your curriculum : Robert Hanvey's foundational essay ; Preparation is essential ; Sample module design -- 7. Quick ways to get started : An ePals activity for elementary students ; A virtual tour guide activity for middle school students ; Engaging middle and high school students with current events ; Connecting middle and high school students with their passions -- 8. Final thoughts -- 9. Sample lesson plans : Cinderella around the world ; Do food choices affect global warming? ; Cross-cultural pen pals -- Appendix A: Glossary ; Appendix B: Web resources ; Appendix C: National Educational Technology Standards ; Appendix D: References.

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