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Vazquez, Carmen Inoa (Personal Name)

Preferred form: Vazquez, Carmen Inoa
Used for/see from:
  • Vazquez, Carmen

The Maria paradox, c1996: t.p. (Carmen Inoa Vazquez, Ph. D.) about the authors (Carmen Inoa Vazquez, Ph. D., ABPP; founding director of the Bilingual Treatment Program clinic at Bellevue Hospital, and the director of the NYU-Bellevue clinical internship, a clinical assoc. prof. at New York Univ. School of Med., and a psychotherapist in private practice)

Simons, G.F. Transcultural leadership, c1993: CIP t.p. (Carmen Vázquez)

U.S. copyright file, Nov. 14, 1997 (Vazquez, Carmen; Vazquez, Carmen Inoa, 1942- )

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