United States. Small Business Administration (Corporate Name)
- Small Business Administration (United States)
- U.S. Small Business Administration
The Small Business Administration, established in 1953, took over the duties of the Small Defense Plants Administration and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Works by these bodies are found under the following headings according to the name used at the time of publication: United States. Small Defense Plants Administration. Reconstruction Finance Corporation. United States. Small Business Administration. SUBJECT ENTRY: Works about these bodies are entered under the name or names in existence during the latest period for which subject coverage is given.
Subdivisions not used: Office of Information; Office of Information and Managerial Assistance; Managerial Assistance Division; Office of Procurement and Production; Products Assistance Division; Production Assistance Division; Office of Management and Research Assistance; Research Studies Division; Investment Division; Office of Economic Adviser.
U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Banking and Currency. Creation of Small Business Administration. Hearings, 1953.
United States. Small Business Administration. Office of Equal Employment Opportunity. Reference manual for the prevention ... 1993: t.p. (U.S. Small Business Administration)