Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 (Topical Term)
- Global Economic Crisis, 2008-2009
- Subprime Mortgage Crisis, 2008-2009
- Broader heading: Financial crises
Wikipedia, Apr. 10, 2009 ("The global financial crisis of 2008-2009 emerged in September 2008 with the failure, merger, or conservatorship of several large United States-based financial firms and spread with the insolvency of additional companies, governments in Europe, recession, and declining stock market prices around the globe.")
New York Times Web site, Apr. 10, 2009 (global financial crisis)
Washington Post Web site, Apr. 10, 2009 (global financial crisis)
Google search, Apr. 10, 2009 (global financial crisis; global economic crisis)
Here are entered works on the financial crisis triggered by the rapid rise of subprime mortgage defaults and foreclosures in the United States in 2008, resulting in the failure or near-failure of several large financial firms, worldwide recession, and dramatically declining stock market prices. Works on the economic effects of this crisis in specific places are entered under headings of the type Financial crises--[place]; Recessions--[place].