Business incubators (Topical Term)
- Business hatcheries
- Experimental innovation centers (Business)
- Hatcheries, Business
- Incubator industrial parks
- Incubator space (Business)
- Incubators (Entrepreneurship)
- New business incubators
IAC (business incubators)
BPI (Incubators (Entrepreneurship); business hatcheries)
LC data base, 4/7/89 (new business incubators; small business incubators)
Epstein, R.S. Bizspeak, 1986 (Incubator space)
Arnold, A.L. Arnold encyc. of real estate, 1985 (incubator industrial park)
LIV (Incubators for entrepreneurs; business incubators; experimental innovation center)
Web. 3; Words that mean business
Here are entered works on areas located in industrial parks or on university campuses that are designed to nurture entrepreneurial skills and the development of new, usually high technology business enterprises.