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Smilor, Raymond W. (Personal Name)

Preferred form: Smilor, Raymond W.
Used for/see from:
  • Smilor, Ray

Conf. on Comm. Appl. of Defense R & D (1983 : Tallahassee, Fla.). Initiatives for accelerating the technology diffusion process, 1983 (a.e.) t.p. (Raymond W. Smilor)

Customer-driven marketing, c1989: CIP t.p. (Raymond W. Smilor, ICp2 sInstitute, Univ. of Texas at Austin)

nuc88-30128: His Confronting the industrial environment, 1978 (hdg. on OU rept.: Smilor, Raymond W., 1947- ; usage: Raymond Wesley Smilor)

Daring visionaries, c2001: t.p. (Ray Smilor) jkt. (Ph.D.; pres., Foundation for Enterprise Development, La Jolla, Calif. and Washington, D.C.; vice-pres., Kauffman Ctr. for Entrepreneurial Leadership, Ewing Marion Found., 1992-2000; res., La Jolla)

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