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Reflective learning (Topical Term)

Preferred form: Reflective learning
Used for/see from:
  • R-learning (Reflective learning)
See also:

Work cat.: Homan, A.M. Constructing knowledge through reflection, c2006: p. 3 (reflective learning) p. 7, etc. (some educators seem adamant that reflective learning is not to be confused with critical reflection; for the purpose of this paper, the terms reflective learning and critical reflection are used interchangeably, linked by the concept of learning through inquiry that higher-order thinking invites)

Active and reflective learning, via James Cook University Online learning skills resources Web site, Mar. 26, 2007 (Reflective learners prefer to think about new information first before acting on it. They often prefer to think through problems first on their own rather than discussing it in groups. Sitting through lectures can be difficult for reflective learners who often like to have some time out to think through new information)

Encouraging reflective learning, via Liverpool John Moores University Learning and teaching Web site, Mar. 26, 2007: Overview: what do we mean by reflective learning? (reflection can be seen as consciously thinking about and analysing what one has done (or is doing); structured approaches to enable students to reflect upon their learning, to understand their own learning processes and thus allow them to become more autonomous; reflective approach to learning)

Ruhleder, K. Reflective collaborative learning on the Web, in First Monday, v. 5, no. 5 (May 1st 2000), viewed online Mar. 26, 2007 (reflective, collaborative learning practices; reflective learning)

Encouraging reflective learning, via Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, Oxford Brookes University Web site, Mar. 26, 2007 (the reflective learner can be seen as someone who explores their experiences of learning to better understand how they learn with a view ultimately to improve their further learning; Reflective learners are likely to be: more self-aware and self-critical; honest about themselves, and open to criticism and feedback; objective in weighing up evidence; open to, and prepared to try, different approaches; curious to discover other approaches, motivated to improve, and more able to carry through independent learning)

LC database, Mar. 26, 2007 (A handbook of reflective and experiential learning; Reflective learning for social work; Reflective learning in practice; Reflective teaching, reflective learning; Facilitating reflective learning in higher education; Facilitating reflective learning through mentoring & coaching; R-learning)

Australian thesaurus of education descriptors, via WWW, Mar. 26, 2007 (Reflective thinking USE Critical thinking; Critical reflection USE Critical thinking)

ERIC thesaurus, via WWW, Mar. 26, 2007

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