Tupperware Home Parties (Corporate Name)
- Tupperware (Firm)
- Tupper Corporation. Tupperware Home Parties
Tupper Corporation produced the Tupperware products; Tupperware Home Parties handled distribution as its "sister" company; eventually, in its complex history, the entire corporate enterprise became known by the name of its product; see also Tupper Corporation
Pasta sensations, c1994: t.p. (Tupperware Home Parties; "Tupperware is a registered trademark of Dart Industries Inc.")
Clarke, Alison J. Tupperware, c1999: p. 92+ (Tupperware Home Parties; THP; Earl Tupper purchased Hostess Home Accessories to become the Hostess Division of Tupper Corporation in Aug. 1950, then Sept. 1951 formed it as its "sister company" Tupper Home Parties with responsibility for distribution and promotion and with Brownie Wise as vice-pres. ) p. 102 (Tupper Home Parties HQ located in Orlando, Fla.) p. 186 (Tupper Corporation and its subsidiaries, e.g., Tupperware Home Parties, sold Sept. 1958 to Rexall Drug Company (pres., Justin Dart), but Tupper became chair of the newly owned Tupper Corporation board)