Alternative fuel vehicles (Topical Term)
- AFVs (Alternative fuel vehicles)
Work cat.: 2001316224: Natural gas and other alternative fuel vehicles, c1998.
Office of Transportation Technologies website, Mar. 18, 2002 (The U.S. Dept. of Energy's Office of Transportation Technologies (OTT) is dedicated to helping reduce our nation's dependence on foreign oil by developing advanced transportation and alternative fuel vehicle technologies.)
Calif. Energy Commission website, Mar. 18, 2002 (alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs): ethanol/methanol vehicles, electric vehicles, natural gas vehicles, propane/LPG vehicles/hybrid vehicles) glossary (Alternative fuel vehicle (AFV): motor vehicles that run on fuels other than petroleum-based fuels. As defined by the National Energy Policy Act (EPAct), this excludes reformulated gasoline as an alternative fuel.)
Yahoo directory, Mar. 18, 2002 (Home/Recreation/Automotive/Alternative fuel vehicles)