Schemas (Psychology) (Topical Term)
- Psychological schemas
- Earlier heading: Schemata (Cognition)
- Schemata (Psychology)
- Scripts (Psychology)
- Broader heading: Cognition
Work cat.: Person schemas and maladaptative interpersonal patterns, c1991.
Chaplin dict. psych.
Drever dict. psych. (" ... functions as a kind of vague standard; arising out of past experience and placing any fresh experience in its appropriate context and relations")
Evans psych. ("a mental model, framework or overall strategy")
Dict. psych. terms.
Peng. dict. psych.
Web. 3 (organization of experience in the mind)
Fischer, A. Emotion scripts, 1991.
Thes. psych. index terms (Scripts, use Schema)
Eysenck encyc. psych.
Here are entered works on the cognitive structure used for comprehension, perception, and interpretation of stimuli. Works on the internal or symbolic representation of social or physical environments, means-end relationships, or spatial relationships are entered under Cognitive maps (Psychology).
Note under Cognitive maps (Psychology)