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Phishing (Topical Term)

Preferred form: Phishing
Used for/see from:
  • Brand spoofing (Internet fraud)
  • Carding (Internet fraud)
  • Spoofing, Brand (Internet fraud)
See also:

NY Times, Dec. 16, 2004 ("Q. What is phishing? A. ... Phishing, as it has come to be known, is the practice of sending counterfeit email messages that seem to be from an official source as bait in the hope that the recipient will supply personal information to a Web site."

2005010348: Lininger, R. Phishing: cutting the identity theft line, c2005.

Phishing exposed, c2005: p. 10 (Phising, also known as carding or brand spoofing)

Here are entered works on the practice of sending counterfeit email messages that seem to be from a legitimate establishment in order to entice recipients to supply personal information to a Web site for fraudulent use.

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