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Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 1928- (Personal Name)
Used for/see from:
- Earlier heading: Brzezinski, Zbigniew K., 1928-
- Pu-je-chin-ssu-chi, 1928-
- Burejinsiji, Zibige'niefu, 1928-
- Burejinsukī, Zubigunefu, 1928-
- Bzhezhinskiĭ, Zbignev, 1928-
Political controls in the Soviet army, 1954.
Mei Chung chien chiao chʻien hou, 1984: t.p. (Pu-je-chin-ssu-chi)
Ōinaru shippai, 1989: colophon (Zubigunefu Burejinsukī)
The Geostrategic Triad: Living with China, Europe, and Russia, 2000: CIP t.p. (Zbigniew Brzezinski) info. from publisher "Center for Strategic and International Studies" (author does not want his middle initial K. to be used)
Da jue ze, 2005: t.p. (Zibige' niefu Burejinsiji; Zbigniew Brzezinski)
Velikai͡a shakhmatnai͡a doska, 2003: t.p. (Zbignev Bzhezinskiĭ)