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Fuel switching (Topical Term)
Used for/see from:
- Alternate fuel
- Alternative fuel
- Fuel interchangeability
- Fuel substitution
- Interchangeability of fuels
- Substitution of fuels
- Switching of fuels
Work cat.: 92196475: Manufacturing fuel-switching capability, c1991 (definition: the substitution of one energy source for another (within 30 days) with no significant modifications to the fuel-consuming equipment, while keeping production constant.)
Intl. energy subj. thes. (Fuel substitution use for alternative fuel)
Engr. index: v. 89, p. vii, pg. 4189, article (fuel switching)
LC database, June 15, 1993 (fuel switching)
Energy data base subj. thes. (Fuel substitution used for alternative fuel)
Alternative fuels : fueling the future, 1994.
ASTI; Web. 3