Blasi, Joseph R. (Personal Name)
- Blasi, Joseph Raphael
- Blasi, Joseph
Snarey, J.R. Ego dev. among kibbutz founders and sabras, c1978 (a.e.) t.p. (Joseph R. Blasi)
His The quality of life in a kibbutz cooperative community, c1978: t.p. (Joseph Raphael Blasi)
Employee ownership, employee attitudes, and firm performance, c1995: t.p. (Joseph Blasi) p. following t.p. (Sch. of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.)
Rutgers University, Sch. of Management and Labor Relations faculty Web site, Nov. 14, 2003 (Joseph R. Blasi; Ed. D., sociology of organizations, Harvard University)
Shepher, I. The kibbutz, 1983: CIP t.p. (Joseph Blasi)
U.S. copyright file, Nov. 14, 2003 (Blasi, Joseph Raphael, 1949- )