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Educational change (Topical Term)
Used for/see from:
- Change, Educational
- Education change
- Education reform
- Educational reform
- Reform, Education
- School reform
See also:
- Broader heading: Educational planning
- Educational innovations
Work cat.: Bacharach, S.B. Education reform, 1990.
Sarason, S.B. The predictable failure of educational reform, 1990.
Australian thes. educ. (Educational change)
ERIC thes. (Educational change)
Husen & Postlethwaite intl. encyc. educ. (Educational change)
Page intl. dict. educ. (Reform)
Rowntree dict. educ. (Reform)
Unesco: IBE educ. thes. (Educational reform)
Collins key words educ.; Good dict. educ.; Hills dict. educ.; Web. 3
Here are entered works on alterations in the scope of the total educational endeavor, including modification of curricula, teaching methods, enrollment patterns, etc.