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Jenkins, William A. (Personal Name)

Preferred form: Jenkins, William A.

[Added entry for Geology and minteral resources of Noble County, Oklahoma]

Shelton, J. W. Geology and mineral resources of Noble County, Oklahoma, 1979 (a.e.) t.p. (William A. Jenkins) p. 37 (independent geologist, Durango, Colo.)

Added entry for Managing the hidden organization]

Managing the hidden organization, c1994: CIP t.p. (William A. Jenkins) pref. (associated with Vanderbilt Univ.)

Nat. faculty dir., 1992 (Jenkins, William A., Dir. of Bus. & Fin., Vanderbilt Univ.)

WW South, 1992/93; WW finance & industry, 1992/93; Tel. call, 08-06-93.

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