Harrison, Paul (Personal Name)
[Author of An interview with Paul Harrison]
His An interview with Paul Harrison, 1975: t.p. (Paul Harrison, Crow Creek Sioux Indian)
[Author of Operations research]
His Operations research, 1984: CIP t.p. (Paul Harrison)
[Co-translator of A royal millennium]
A royal millennium, 1997: t.p. (Paul Harrison)
[Author of The Parish Church of St. Lawrence]
The Parish Church of St. Lawrence, 1987: t.p. (Paul Harrison)
[Author of Benchmarking]
Benchmarking, 1995: t.p. (Paul Harrison) BL AL sent 22 May 1996
[Author of Maths 2000]
Maths 2000, 1996: t.p. (Paul Harrison) BL AL sent 5 Aug. 1996
[Illustrator of Roly and Rufus in the forbidden fruit]
Roly and Rufus in the forbidden fruit, 1999?: t.p. (Paul Harrison) BL AL sent 7 Dec. 1999