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Kirby, David (Personal Name)
[Editor of The HP way]
The HP way, c1995: t.p. (David Kirby) jkt. (Dave Kirby; est. HP's Public Relations Dept.; retired 1989)
U.S. copyright file, April 12, 2000 (Kirby, David)
[Added entry of Commutative rings]
Balcerzyk, S. Commutative rings, 1989: t.p. (David Kirby, Faculty of Mathematical Studies, Univ. of Southampton)
[Added entry of Construction materials management]
Stukhart, G. Construction materials management, c1995: CIP t.p. (David Kirby)
U.S. copyright file, April 12, 2000 (Kirby, David)
BL auth. fiche, Dec. 1999; OPAC '97, April 12, 2000