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Mental representation (Topical Term)
Used for/see from:
- Representation, Mental
See also:
- Broader heading: Perception
Work cat.: Cognition and representation, 1988.
Chaplin dict. psych.
Evans psych.: ("Standing for or symbolizing something")
Peng. dict. psych.
LC data base, 8/2/88: ("Perspective on mental representation: experimental and theoretical studies of cognitive processes and capacities, 1982")
Web. 3: ("Image or idea formed by the mind"; "Action or process by which the mind forms an image or idea of an object")
Baker encyc. psych.; Encyc. dict. psych.; Eysenck encyc. psych.; Hennepin; Ox. companion mind; Psych. abst.; Psych. alm.; Thes. psych. index terms