Lesbians (Topical Term)
- Female gays
- Female homosexuals
- Gay females
- Gay women
- Gayelles
- Gays, Female
- Homosexuals, Female
- Lesbian women
- Sapphists
- Women, Gay
- Women homosexuals
Lesbians turn "gayelle", in Daily telegraph (Surry Hills, N.S.W. : Online), Jan. 25, 2008, viewed Feb. 12, 2008 (lesbians who are unhappy with the title have launched a world-wide movement to change the name of their sexuality to "gayelle". Websites devoted to the change are springing up, with the motivation said to be a "persistent distaste for the word lesbian." Gayelle, denoting anyone gay and female, is made up of the words "gay" and "elle" meaning "she" in French.)
Wikipedia, Feb. 12, 2008: Gayelle (Gayelle may refer to: Gayelle TV; gayelle (lesbian); gayelle (cockfighting)) Dyke (Dyke is a slang term for a lesbian with certain qualities. Originally it was a derogatory label for a masculine or butch woman, and this usage still exists. However, it has also been reappropriated as a positive term implying assertiveness and toughness, or simply as a neutral synonym for lesbian. ... In the late 20th and early 21st century, the term was reclaimed by many lesbians. Examples in the culture include the comic strip "Dykes to Watch out For" and the traditional Dykes on Bikes that lead pride parades. Matters came to a head when the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office denied lesbian motorcycle group Dykes on Bikes a trademark for its name, on the grounds that "dyke" was an offensive word. In 2005, after a prolonged court battle involving testimony on the word's changing role in the lesbian community, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board permitted the group to register its name.)
Gayelle website, Feb. 12, 2008: home page (gayelles (gay females) definition of gayelle (1. gay (the feminine form of gay meaning homosexual) 2. of or pertaining to gay (homosexual) interests or issues. -- noun. Gayelle 1. Gay and female 2. A member of a group and or movement of gay females who prefer to be called Gayelle rather than lesbian; Gayelles)
LC database, Feb. 12, 2008 (lesbians; lesbian women; dykes; gay women; sapphists)
Dict. of sexual terms and expressions, via WWW, Feb. 12, 2008 (sapphist(s): A lesbian or lesbians collectively; dyke or dike: 1. A lesbian)