Mines and mineral resources (Topical Term)
- Deposits, Mineral
- Mineral deposits
- Mineral resources
- Mines and mining
- Mining
- Broader heading: Natural resources
- Minerals
Mertie, J.B. Mineral deposits of the Ruby-Kuskokwim region Alaska, 1936.
Lithochronologic units and mineral deposits of the Appalachian Orogen from Maine to Alabama, 2001.
Grabau, A.W. Geology of the non-metallic mineral deposits other than silicates, 1920.
Here are entered works on the potential economic value of minerals or the technical aspects of locating and removing them from the earth. Works on the industries based on the extraction, processing, and commercialization of minerals are entered under Mineral industries. Works on the geochemical or geological aspects of naturally formed inorganic and organic compounds are entered under Minerals.
Notes under Mineral industries; Minerals