Cuba Economic conditions 1990- (Geographic Name)
Bürchardt, H. Kuba : der lange Abschied von einem Mythos, 1996: table of contents (II Teil: 1990-1993: von Reformen und anderen Unbekannten. III Teil: Die Entwicklungen ab 1993)
Worldmark encyc. of the nations, 8th ed., 1995: v. 3, p. 134 (An additional setback came with the Nicaraguan elections of 1990) p. 136 (The Cuban economy slowed significantly in the period 1990-91, -1.5 and -25 percent) p. 137 (The sudden rupture of trade with the former Soviet Union and the Eastern bloc nations ... has caused severe trauma to the Cuban economy since 1990)
Encyc. of Latin American history and culture, 1996: v. 2, p. 316 (In the early 1990s, with the collapse of the Eastern European socialist system, Cuba's ability to import goods fell 75 percent. The nation experienced low productivity, poor quality and distribution of goods, waste, and agricultural and industrial insufficiency. In this hardship era, or "special period", Cuba attempted to locate new markets ...)