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Kaufman, Roger A. (Personal Name)

Preferred form: Kaufman, Roger A.
Used for/see from:
  • Kaufman, Roger, 1932-

Corrigan, R. E. Why system engineering, 1966.

Stakenas, R.G. Technology in education, 1981: t.p. (Roger Kaufman)

Educational planning, c1996: t.p. (Roger Kaufman, Ph. D., prof. and director, Center for Needs Assessment and Planning, Florida State Univ.) p. 285 (associated with the faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems at the Univ. of Central Florida; he has been a prof. at the United States International Univ. and Chapman Univ., and taught at the Univ. of Southern Calif. and Pepperdine Univ.; Ph. D. in communications, New York Univ., with graduate work in industrial engineering, psychology, and education completed at Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley and Johns Hopkins Univ. (M.A.); undergraduate studies in psychology, statistics, sociology, and industrial engineering at George Washington (B.A.) and Purdue Universities)

b. 4/4/32

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